Friday, December 19, 2008

My Christmas Touches

I've finally put the finishing touches on creating wonderful signs of Christmas in my little home. I love my growing seasonal collection. It's all coming together so nicely. The best part of all of my stuff is that every piece is very meaningful to me. It's not just something I picked up at Target or TJ Maxx. If it isn't painted or created by my own hand, it was handmade and bought or given to me at some time.

Here in this snapshot is part of my snowman collection. I painted both plaques pictured here. The stuffed snowman was givien to me as a "thank you" gift for hosting a party. the ceramic snowman canister was given to our family from relatives and the little snowman sled was purchased from another painter from an arts and crafts show. The clock was an anniversary gift.
The other side of the shelf is more painted pieces by myself and the snow family fabric wall hanging was purchased from a crafter at the annual Bethlehem Presbyterian Church fair. The stuffed snowman is pals with the other snowman sitting to his right.

These two little quails are usually sitting in my Christmas tree, but I decided to let them nest in the ficus tree this year. They look pretty content.

I love Santa Claus and cookies! He is surrounded by cool blue LED lights and glass ornaments. Our tree is the bomb this year! We decided to go to the same Christmas tree farm as last year. Farmside Acres, which is owned by Robert and Leslie Nannini of Angola Road. It's the best way to get a tree.

Another Santa ornament dwarfed by a keepsake glass ornament from WAAAAY back when my mom bought them at Barkers in Newburgh.
I Believe! I Believe! This is my hand painted sign that I made last year. I have three of them hanging around the house. I point to each one and yell out, "BELIEVE!" My boys think I'm nuts!

Ahhh, my sweet nativity. My DH bought this for me two years ago. It's complete with stable, shepards, and 3 wise men. Each figurine expresses biblical verse from the gospel of Matthew, Luke and John.

On the other side of the room is my Santa Shelf and it's where we hang our stockings. Ho Ho Ho!
I love nutcrackers! I've got a small collection. The store I work at has an attractive line for sale, but they really have to mean something to me, so I haven't given in to buying them. These two guys were bought when I lived in Germany as a kid. They were my mothers and I got to keep them. I see my big guy has a missing mustache! I should glue that on one of these days! Last year his little foot had to be glued. The other one is missing his sword. Peace on Earth.

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